Rub 4-6 duck breasts with Wild Side Seasoning and wrap with bacon… Heat a cast iron skillet and add wrapped duck breasts. Put 3/4 cup of Teriyaki Sauce, 1/4 cup of sweet soy, 2TBSP of Orange Preserves and one heaping Tablespoon of Wasabi in a sauce pan on low heat. Let the mixture heat and blend together. Do not let it boil. Once heated, turn down to a simmer and stir occasionally. After Duck breasts have cooked approximately 5 minutes on each side, remove the bacon and continue to cook the breasts and bacon until Duck is browned and bacon is crispy. Remove the Duck Breasts and keep warm. Remove the bacon, drain and chop into pieces. Add the bacon pieces to the Sauce pan turn up the heat to medium and stir until the sauce just begins to boil, and then remove from heat. Slice the duck breasts into 1/2 inch slices and plate. Take the sauce and spoon to the sides of the breasts then lightly drizzle over the breasts. Sprinkle Sesame Seeds over the plate, garnish with Pickled Ginger and fresh Wasabi and serve.