Joe Rossi
In 2006, Joe Rossi turned his passion for hunting & fishing into a television show titled Joe’s Wildside Adventures, which aired on the Sportsmen Channel, ROOT Sports, and the FSN Sports Network for 10 years. During his run, Joe chased game and fish from the Arctic Circle to the southern tip of Argentina. Today, Joe creates unique world-class hunting and fishing tours around the world for travelers that share the same passion.
I don’t join every trip but host as many as I can. You can view all the upcoming trips I will be joining here.
Currently, I book 5-6 trips fishing/hunting trips per year.
You can view all the upcoming trips I will be joining here.
Here are our 2024-2025 trips. If you don’t find the trip you’re looking for, please contact me, and I’ll see if we can add it. We’re constantly updating our yearly itinerary with new adventures, so be sure to check back regularly! Check our selection of trips that will be HOSTED by Joe Rossi as well as non-hosted trips.
Wildside Adventures 2024 & 2025 Itinerary. Secure your spot today!
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Protect Your Adventure with Travel Insurance!
Looking for luxury in the wilderness? Search no further! Wildside Adventures partners with luxury wilderness retreats around the world. Search our collection of top luxury lodges, from rural escapes in Western Montana to tropical island getaways in the Bahamas and Seychelles.
Our luxury lodges offer a high-end outdoor experience for those who want to enjoy pristine wilderness areas with exceptional comfort. Activities at these lodges can include guided fishing, as well as a variety of outdoor adventures such as hiking, kayaking, wildlife viewing, scuba diving, snorkeling, cross country skiing, downhill skiing, snowmobiling and much more.